Q: Nothing is FREE!, What is the catch?
A: There is NOT a catch, we promise! As a nation, our freedoms have been guaranteed by the devoted service and sacrifice of our Veterans. This is our chance to say a proper 'Thank you' to our veterans.
Q: How much does it cost? How much money do I need to bring?
A: The cost is FREE to the veteran. The veteran need not to bring any money, unless you intend to purchase souvenirs.
Honor Flight Tri-State and it's tireless volunteers raise the funds to cover the $700 cost for each veteran!
Q: How are you funded?
A: Honor Flight receives no government grants and 100% of all monies raised or donated go directly to fly the veterans. We are an all-volunteer program with no paid staff. Our funding comes from small and large donations from individuals across the country that recognize these veterans' great accomplishments and sacrifices and want to help them see their memorials before it is too late! Our donors also include corporations, foundations, fraternal organizations, veteran's organizations, and memorial donations.
Q: How can I make a donation to Honor Flight?
A: Anyone can make a donation. All donations are tax deductible under the 501c(3) designation from the IRS, please use the "DONATE HERE" link or accessed through the "Donations Button" on the "home page".
Q: Is there a policy about the age and war service of the veterans eligible?
A: We are accepting applications from all veterans who served stateside or oversees above the age of 65, all veterans qualify. We will not leave anyone behind! A veteran is defined as someone who served in the American military. A veteran list is being compiled by veteran age, oldest traveling first. Please apply so we can put you on the list now.
Q: "I am not a hero - those guys paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and I do not deserve to go."
A: We understand your reluctance to be called a hero, but anyone who was drafted or volunteered to serve our country is eligible. The Honor Flight Tour honors all those that did not return. We lay wreaths and have a ceremony at all of the War memorials: World War ll, Korean and Vietnam. We view the Changing of the Guard at Arlington by the Old Guard, protectors of the Tomb. We honor those that did not return as well as those that did. You are all heroes in our eyes!
Q: Will a health issue prevent a vet from flying?
A: We frequently receive questions about the physical demands of Honor Flights. Our goal is to host as many veterans as possible to visit the memorials honoring them for their service. Honor Flight works with vendors compliant with the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but the program is physically demanding for some elderly veterans. Applicants should consider carefully whether they can endure this type of trip/ tour, including consultation with a doctor as necessary. An Honor Flight is a long day but a long time coming, and we have to be sure that the veterans who apply can handle it. The safety and dignity of our veterans is our top priority.
We are mobile all day visiting memorials during our 18-hour day, transportation provided by tour buses in Washington DC after arriving at Reagan National Airport with American Airlines and will require getting in and out of a tour bus many times (up to 14 times on the day of the trip).
Any veterans that use canes or walkers are encouraged to use wheelchairs supplied by Honor Flight Tri-State to tour the memorials because the surfaces are all uneven and unsafe. We do not have the capacity to take motorized scooters or walkers. For veterans who may be concerned about the physical demands of a trip to Washington, we offer a "Flightless Honor Flight" (click here for info)
After your name comes to the top of the list, we will send you an email invitation. You will need to respond to that email invitation to accept. You will then be asked to fill out the "Veteran Check-In" online.
Q: How do you decide which veterans get to go?
A: The process begins for VETERANS when:
Veterans apply online on this website (use the "Veterans Initial Application" tab.
After the initial application is received, you will be put on our waiting list.
The veterans are qualified in order of birth date. Oldest go first.
When your name comes to the top of the waiting list, the scheduling team will email you. All communications for placement on a flight will be done by email.
Q: How do you decide which guardians go?
A: The process begins for GUARDIANS when:
Guardians wishing to accompany a specific veteran apply on-line at the SAME time as your veteran.
All other guardians apply individually, and we will match you to a deserving veteran. Both family and solo guardians will be expected to pay the guardian fee of $700 (future fees to be determined) and to attend a guardian meeting a week before your assigned flight.
All guardians must be between the ages of 18-70.
Must be in good health
Must be able to push a wheelchair up and down slight ramps and elevations.
Can look after a veteran unimpeded.
Be of sound mind and body.
Q: Can my wife (husband) go with me?
A: NO. Honor Flight Tri-State is a member of the National Honor Flight Network and the Network has a policy of not flying spouses of veterans unless they, too, were military veterans.
Q: Can my son, daughter, grandson, etc. go as a guardian?
A: Yes, but they must fill out and apply online on this website as instructed above. Who will or will not serve as a guardian and how many guardians will be needed is the sole responsibility of the Program Director. That decision is based upon many factors, such as: 1. How many disabled veterans are scheduled to go? 2. Which guardian applicants are most qualified? Medically trained, active-duty military personnel and previous guardians are given top priority and serve as leadership members. Once the director feels enough of those positions have been filled, other applicants are then considered. Again, these decisions rest solely with the Program Director.
Q: What is the guardian fee? What is included?
A: The guardian fee for 2025 is $700 (future fees to be determined) and includes airfare for charter flight, all meals and refreshments, tour bus and tour guide in Washington, D.C., and guardian T-shirt on the day of the flight. It's an experience of a lifetime!
Q: What if there is no Honor Flight program in my State?
A: Go to HonorFlight.org and search regional hubs in your state.
Q: Who is in charge of the program?
A: Throughout the United States there are many programs that operate in conjunction with Honor Flight. The individual program directors are part of a partnership called the Honor Flight Network. This governing body establishes general protocols, policies, credentialing, and maintains a national website and oversight of several programs. The Honor Flight Tri-State organization is based out of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Q: How can I find out information on the next flight or Welcome Home celebration?
Join us to welcome our heroes home at the
after each flight at CVG Airport 9:05pm
Come in the main entrance of CVG and turn immediately to the right past the ticket counters to the large rotunda with the large murals on the wall. You will see a lot of people.
- Public Welcome -
The plane arrives at CVG about 9 pm but many greeters arrive earlier to renew acquaintances and be part of the pre- party fun. Park in short term parking and come across the bridge to the terminal. It takes the Honor Flight staff a few minutes to get all of the veterans off of the plane, and we wait for everyone to come out together, so no one misses this special part of the trip.
Q: How can I contact Honor Flight Tri State?
A: Call the Hot Line 513-277-9626 or email us by CLICKING HERE
Copyright © 2025 Honor Flight Tri-State. All rights reserved.